What is Ramayana?

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Sundara Kanda, Chapter 60

Jambavan's Wise Guidelines

Hearing those words of Hanumana, Angada the son of Vali spoke as follows: "Even after our seeing of Sita, it is not proper for us to approach the high-souled Rama without taking Sita with us."

"I perceive it as improper to inform there that Sita the princess, though seen by you of renowned prowess, has not been brought here."

"O the best of monkeys! No one is equal to us even in our prowess nor indeed anyone who can leap like us in the worlds either of celestials or demons."

"Hanumana indeed thus killed all the warriors among the demons. What work is remaining to be done by us? We will go, after taking Janaki."

Jambavan, the foremost among the forest-animals, understanding the sense, was very much pleased and spoke the following meaningful words to that Angada, who thus formed a resolution.

"O prince! This thought you thus perceive is not incompetent of us. But, you must see the way in which Rama's inclination would be, for the accomplishment of the object."